Bush Order Farm Store Hours - Click here for info and directions

Know The Dough: Pizza

Not all dough is made the same. Here is the start of a series called “Know The Dough” where we dive into what makes up the different types of doughs we make and how we make them. To start let’s look at our two different pizza doughs. There is an uptick in new pizza joints in Yellowknife, so this is

Kam Lake Growth Area Consultation

Kam Lake Yellowknife Growth Area

Today we are coming to you about a municipal topic currently the focus of the planning department at the City of Yellowknife. The City has recently set out to learn more about what the community would like seen done with an area of land north of Grace Lake Boulevard and west of Enterprise Drive (behind our property), which is currently designated

Edmonton Food Scene Inspiration

Over 3000 kilometers, 4-days, loaded truck, loaded trailer. That’s how the a week in mid-April looked like for us. We took off down the highway right after the Farm Store closed for one of our bi-annual trips to Alberta to pick up various supplies for the bakery, farm store and gardens. We picked up the likes of chicken feed, bales

What We’re Cooking – Kimchi Chicken Curry

Yellowknife Kimchi

A few weeks ago, we reached out to all our Bush Order Supporters and asked them what kind of content they would like to see us publish in our emails and on our website. What we heard back was many things, but one was regarding how to use the different products we sell in the farm store. So, what better

Important Changes to Bush Order Supporters

Yellowknife Farm Store

If you are a current Bush Order Supporter you know that for the last couple of weeks we have been mentioning potential incoming changes, and seeking your feedback on our Bush Order Supporter model. As a few people mentioned, the Bush Order Supporter model was originally set up as a way for those who believe in our mission and values,

What do Bush Order Supporter funds go towards?

The Bush Order Supporter model was developed during our fundraising efforts for the initial purchase of our property and bakery renovations. However, since then, Bush Order Supporters have stuck with us. You are our friends, our family. You are community members invested in local food production and manufacturing. You are people looking for nutrient-dense local products. Given that we have