Bush Order Provisions Ltd. (Bush Order) started with the goal of making Yellowknife a better and more sustainable place to live and visit by pushing the boundaries of producing local food and beverages.
Bush Order is a commercial market garden and wholesale bakery in Yellowknife, NT. Throughout the growing season, we grow a variety of vegetables using bio-intensive and ecologically friendly methods, considered regenerative. While year round we also bake and distribute naturally leaven bread, baked goods and pizza using fresh milled organic flour with no preservatives.
We take a multifaceted approach to the products we produce, with the ultimate goal of creating a circular economy. In order to make local food production sustainable, we have a vision of creating that circular economy within Bush Order. Our aim is to use the byproducts of one product in the production of another and generally viewing everything within our operation with this circular lens.
Our goal is to reduce our use of energy, while also reducing our food and material waste. Saving us operating costs and bring more to market.
The idea of Bush Order Provisions came from the concept of combining multiple complementing and in-demand businesses into one that will produce local products year-round, while also providing a much-needed space for other small food service businesses.
The Bush Order Team (so far)
Kyle Thomas actively builds websites and is a communication and marketing professional through has sole-proprietorship business With Media. You can find him helping many small businesses, local governments and non-profit organizations. On the side, Kyle took an interest in baking sourdough bread in 2013. From there he geeked out on cultivating natural yeast and learning the process of converting fresh milled flour into nutrient dense bread. Along with several garden beds, Kyle also built Bush Order’s first bakery in their garage in 2018.
Marie Auger-Thomas is a baker and horticulturist with extensive education and experience in agricultural food production and growing conditions. She has experience working on several small-scale farms in British Columbia and right here in Yellowknife. She has grown and sold produce through the Yellowknife Farmers Market and since 2018 baked thousands of sourdough loaves of bread. Experimentally, Marie has been establishing the very small Bush Order honey bee apiary. Marie believes that a sustainable food system all starts with mastering seed starting, without that we are still too reliant on an out-of-territory production chain, and she is certainly not afraid to get her hands dirty… or stung by bees.
Working together the two immediately considered combining a wholesale bakery with a commercial market garden and thus Bush Order Provisions Ltd. was born.
Today, Marie bakes all primary bread product in the bakery, oversees the market garden production during the summer and handles the payroll. At the same time Kyle handles the administration, fills in in the bakery and market garden when needed, while also continuing his work with With Media.
Both being lifelong Yellowknifers, in their spare time, Marie and Kyle can be found hiking, camping and boating on Great Slave Lake with their two dogs, Storm and Queso.

To build a sustainable local food production company; with a focus on artisanal breads and locally grown produce that will contribute to food security in the North and benefit residents and visitors of Yellowknife through a shorter food supply chain, experiences, enjoyment and sustenance.
Bush Order Provisions was founded to create a sustainable local food production company, contributing to local food systems in Yellowknife. The goal, to take an innovative and circular approach to bring high-quality locally baked bread products to market, while developing a sustainable agriculture market garden, which will provide accessible local food. All rounded out by creating agriculture and local tourism experiences that can be shared with customers from around the world.
Long Terms Bush Order Vision
For Marie and Kyle, the vision does not end where their driveway does. The two have a grand vision for bringing online a sustainable food production system. Based on their idea of a circular business model, the idea of following reduce, retain and recycle practices, they plan on scaling their urban model up to a commercial level.
Social Impact
Bush Order Provisions is nothing without a community of support, and with that Marie and Kyle are setting out to invite the community to partake in their journey towards food security in the North.
Through educational activities, hands-on experiences, tours, and even food-share programs, Marie and Kyle hope to empower the community to take a closer look at where their food comes from and how it can be produced.