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Kam Lake Growth Area Consultation

Kam Lake Yellowknife Growth Area

Today we are coming to you about a municipal topic currently the focus of the planning department at the City of Yellowknife. The City has recently set out to learn more about what the community would like seen done with an area of land north of Grace Lake Boulevard and west of Enterprise Drive (behind our property), which is currently designated

Regenerative Agriculture and Our Approach to the Green Revolution of the 21st Century

Regenerative Agriculture goes beyond sustainable or organic agriculture. It is a method of growing improve soil health, reduces greenhouse gases and improves vegetable production. Here is how we are bringing regenerative agriculture to Yellowknife and the Northwest Territories.

Presentation on GROW: Yellowknife Food and Agriculture Implementation Plan

Commercial Agriculture in Yellowknife is still a very new industry. Still many only see agriculture as the activity of growing food in one’s backyard. Bush Order Provisions is here to prove that wrong and to show that small-scale commercial agriculture is a viable operation, one that can be tested and implemented again and again to bring further food production to