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Kam Lake Growth Area Consultation

Kam Lake Yellowknife Growth Area

Today we are coming to you about a municipal topic currently the focus of the planning department at the City of Yellowknife. The City has recently set out to learn more about what the community would like seen done with an area of land north of Grace Lake Boulevard and west of Enterprise Drive (behind our property), which is currently designated

Bush Order Provisions Year in Review – 2021

Bush Order Provisions Team

Welcome to the Bush Order Provisions 2021 Year in Review. We dig into the gritty challenges, personal struggles and the wins of starting a market garden and bakery in Yellowknife during a pandemic. Come along for this intimate look inside our lives, our business and our year.

Building Bush Order – August 2021

Hello Bush Order Supporters,As we flew through August and are now mid-way through September we thought it was time that we sat down to update you on everything that went on in July, with August to follow soon.Produce to MarketSome exciting news out of July that awesome weather we received. Veggie production became strong enough

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Building Bush Order – April 2021

Baker Renovations

Let’s talk about April at Bush Order Provisions. It really seems like yesterday we were talking about March. April has been a slow-moving month, possibly due to the never-ending winter feeling that seemed to lay over Yellowknife like a blanket. Nevertheless, there was progress for better or worse, so let’s get into it.

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Regenerative Agriculture and Our Approach to the Green Revolution of the 21st Century

Regenerative Agriculture goes beyond sustainable or organic agriculture. It is a method of growing improve soil health, reduces greenhouse gases and improves vegetable production. Here is how we are bringing regenerative agriculture to Yellowknife and the Northwest Territories.

Building Bush Order – March 2021

It doesn’t quite feel like it with all of this blowing snow but it’s officially spring and things are ‘heating up’ at Bush Order. From building our inhouse nursery to starting seeds to putting silage tarps out in a blizzard. This is our March 2021 update.

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Bush Order Update #1

Yellowknife Agriculture Farm

Writing our first update to you has been a difficult one to compose for multiple reasons. First, we aren’t in the rhythm of writing them yet, and the first one is always the hardest. Second, with the slow start to summer, we really don’t have much to report on the gardens, which is making us

To access this post, you must log in or sign up for one of the following: Bush Order Patron Supporter, Bush Order Premium Supporter – Monthly or Bush Order Premium Supporter – Annual.