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Getting Closer To Possession Date

I said as we started this journey and when we announced our plans that I wanted to chronically the steps we take.

Well, there have been many steps to get us to just this point, which is barely the starting line, but I will get back to those one day soon.

The idea is that these are short bursts of information on where we are currently at and what is in the immediate future.

On October 13, Bush Order Provisions takes possession of the new property. And although that is only a few short days away there are still many things to be done.

We need to ensure we have the proper insurance in place to cover the liability of having the property, the building, and the tenant.

We need to make sure that the services such as gas/propane, power and water/sewage services all remain in place. This means setting up accounts under the Bush Order company. Things are no longer personal.

Finally, we need to make sure that the paperwork for the financing that is currently with a lawyer is all signed properly so the funds go through and the transaction can take place.

For both of us, it seemed like this step would never come. We saw a lot of properties and spent many hours adjusting the business plan and financials for the banks. It all seemed hypothetical until just this week when we made our intentions know.

If you didn’t know we are doing a fundraiser see below.


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