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Farmers Market Coaching


Are you a new Farmers Market vendor, are you curious about being a Farmers Market vendor or do you have a product idea that might be a good fit for a Farmers Market? Well, we are offering one-on-one Farmers Market Vending consultations in two options. A single one-time session or save 16% and sign up for three (3) in-depth one-hour sessions.

Once purchased or signed up, we will contact you directly to schedule our virtual session(s).

SKU: fm_consulting Category:


Are you a new Farmers Market vendor, are you curious about being a Farmers Market vendor or do you have a product idea that might be a good fit for a Farmers Market? Well, we are offering one-on-one Farmers Market Vending Coaching in two options. A single one-time session or an in-depth 3-part course over three one-hour sessions.

We have been a Yellowknife Farmers Market vendor since 2012, going on over 10-years. Since our very first market we have learned many lessons on how to maximize our Farmers Market experience as a vendor. With this knowledge we have been able to efficiently and effectively grow our Farmers Market booth into a profitable summer-time venture. Heading into the summer of 2024, we want to share some of that knowledge with you to ensure you start out on the right foot.

Both the Single 1-Hour Session and the Three 1-Hour Session Series will cover the same topics outlined below. The Single Session (with option to extend) will provide a brief overview to get your started, while the Three 1-Hours Session Series will go into depth on one topic during each session and be catered specifically to your products, ideas or business.

Once purchased or signed up, we will contact you directly to schedule our virtual session(s).

Topics Covered


This will cover an introduction to products at the Farmers Market and include the following topics:

  • What are you interested in selling,
    • Hot, Fresh, Cold, Frozen, Shelf Stable? What is best for you and customers?
  • What do you need to create your product (ingredients, space, time, help?) 
  • How should you package your product,
    • Resources for following Market Composting Rules
    • Where to get packaging, especially compostable,
  • What are customers looking for at the Farmers Market,
  • Strategies for increasing single sales (increasing single customer spending).


Go over several tips and strategies for maximizing your Farmers Market Booth and operation including:

  • What equipment do you need to setup a booth and where to find it,
    • Tent, weights, tables, food holding, cart, etc.
  • Make a setup and both plan,
    • How will you get there, transporting your products and equipment
    • Getting to your booth location – what should you have
    • Setting up your booth – do you need help, best layout and flow?
  • Dig into the Administration,
    • Using a Point-of-Sale system – Pros and Cons
    • Tracking your sales and expenses

Marketing/Customer Service

Review some of the best marketing techniques for engaging and growing your customer base, even before the Farmers Market. Then how to capture and continue to grow that customer base. Topics to include

  • Social Media – Where should your business be and how to use it effectively.
  • Email List – What is it, how to use it, how to grow it.
  • Google Profile – What is it, how to use it.
  • Customer Service at the Market
  • Consistency as a Marketing Tool

Single 1-Hour Session – 1-hour Total –  $79/session

Duration: 1-hour/per session – Virtual Meeting
Cost: $79/per session

Three 1-Hour Sessions – 3-Hours Total – $199/3-sessions (16% Savings!)

Duration: 1-hour per session, 3 total – Virtual Meetings
Cost: $199.99

Product photo by Sarah Pryus/Yellowknife Farmers Market